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ADNKronos Immediapress

Englobe partners with OPTEL to ensure full global traceability of its contaminated soil treatment activities

(Adnkronos) - QUEBEC, Oct. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Englobe, the global pioneer in contaminated soil treatment and processing, announces its par...

Bybit Expands Crypto Trading in South Africa with New Derivatives Products and Fiat On-Ramp Service

(Adnkronos) -
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, October 2, 2023 — Bybit, the world's third most visited crypto exchange, has announced the official laun...

KFC gets thousands of people from 17 countries to recreate their secret recipe in Zelda with 'The Recipe Run'

(Adnkronos) - 'The Recipe Run', the first brand-created speedrun, brings together Zelda players to replicate the Colonel's secret recipe · More than ...

Fimo and ConcealFab Announce Strategic Partnership to Enhance PIM Shield Product Catalogue

(Adnkronos) - The joint expanded product line will offer an extensive range of innovative solutions designed to mitigate PIM-related issues in wireles...


(Adnkronos) - HARVI IV requires no stops for tool changes, increasing productivity for customers  PITTSBURGH, Oct. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Kennametal...

Upe4Inclusion: Cerimonia di premiazione del progetto umanitario per l’inclusione della popolazione ucraina, prevista per il 4 ottobre

(Adnkronos) - 2 ottobre 2023. Upe4Inclusion (Ukrainian People Empowerment for Inclusion) è il progetto umanitario che ha avuto come obiettivo l’inc...

SNAI – Champions League: Napoli, riecco Ancelotti, Quote in equilibrio: «1» a 2,60, Real a 2,50. Inter avanti

(Adnkronos) - Big match al ‘Maradona’, con la squadra di Garcia che parte subito dietro gli spagnoli. A San Siro, nerazzurri favoriti sul Benfica....

Vela Diagnostics Collaborates with SRL Inc. for Product Distribution in Japan

(Adnkronos) - FAIRFIELD, N.J., Oct. 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Vela Diagnostics announced today a research collaboration with SRL Inc, a premier Japanes... ottiene tre riconoscimenti ai World Travel Awards™ 2023 - Europa

(Adnkronos) - ROMA, 2 ottobre 2023 /PRNewswire/ --, provider di servizi di viaggio one-stop di fama internazionale, ha conseguito un ennesimo...

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