DKU students receive prestigious Rhodes and Schwarzman Scholarships
KUNSHAN, China, Dec. 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Two students from the inaugural class at Duke Kunshan University (DKU) have been selected as Rhodes and Schwartzman scholars.
Ege Kaan Duman is the first DKU student to receive a Rhodes Scholarship, the world's oldest international fellowship award, while Wanying He is the first student to be named a Schwarzman Scholar.
Duman, who studies global health, plans to take a master of philosophy degree in medical anthropology, with his research interests including medical ethics and comparative medical narratives. He said he aspires to fight for health and health care around the world.
"It is such a huge honor and such a unique opportunity," said Duman, who is also the first student from Turkey elected through the global constituency. "I essentially got to show that it is possible to achieve something big no matter what. At the same time, it is as huge a responsibility. People put their trust in you to go there and change the world."
Wanying He, who will graduate with a bachelor's degree in data science next summer, is among 151 scholars chosen from nearly 3,000 applicants worldwide to join the seventh class of Schwarzman Scholars.
"I am very excited to be joining this program," she said. "I've already met a lot of Schwarzman alumni and current students, and I've found it to be a very welcoming community."
Scott MacEachern, vice chancellor for academic affairs, said he was proud of both students and hoped they could inspire other undergraduates to strive for similar achievements.
Each year, the Rhodes Trust elects about 100 talented students from around the world for the scholarships, which cover the expense of up to three years of postgraduate study at the University of Oxford.
Students are chosen for their intellect, character, and commitment to service, among other qualities. Past recipients include former United States president Bill Clinton, and Nobel laureates Michael Spence, Howard Florey and John Eccles.
One of the world's most selective fellowship awards, the Schwarzman Scholars program supports young leaders from China, the United States and around the globe to study at the state-of-the-art Schwarzman College campus at Tsinghua University, Beijing.
Students are selected for their leadership potential, entrepreneurial spirit, and desire to understand other cultures. Scholars develop leadership skills through a funded one-year master's degree in global affairs, with specializations in economics, international studies, or public policy.